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Celine gave supper [[strikethrough]] to members [[/strikethrough]] here to members of Prospect House, still going on when I came from supper at University Club
[[underlined]] June 18. [[/underlined]] At office all morning. Afternoon went to see a [[underlined in red]] "Movieshow" "The Black Watch" [[/underlined in red]] an enormous improvement over the talking films I have seen thus far. 
Premier Mac Donald and his family and Conan Doyle [[strikethrough]] had exc [[/strikethrough]] made excellent talking moving pictures very life-like. The [[underlined in red]] Black Watch [[/underlined in red]] altho' an American film deals with a story of a [[underlined in red]] Scotch Regiment during the war. [[/underlined in red]] [[strikethrough]] Als [[/strikethrough]] I notice particularly that the American Actors as well as all spoke good English well pronounced. - The fact that English or Australians will not tolerate slovenly American pronunciation in  
[[left margin red vertical]] Movies [[/left margin red vertical]]
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films presented in their respective countries, may compel producers here to be more careful in the selection of actors of good speech and may ultimately have a salutary affect on bad or slovenly pronunciation among Americans.
[[underlined]] June 19. [[/underlined]] Have sent confidential letter to Dr. [[underlined in red]] Stanos, [[/underlined in red]] President of B. Cr and copy to Harry Milly concerning [[underlined in red]] situation in France 
"Brooksie" [[/underlined in red]] has [[underlined in red]] measles [[/underlined in red]] and ear ache. Dicky and Celine [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] living here in Snug Rock so as to avoid contagion
[[strikethrough]] June 20 [[/strikethrough]] Directors meeting. A. K and Sanford Brown & Redman absent but Les Karpen there. H. Swan & Hays, new directors Declared regular dividends. and reported about present situation and Europe etc. 
[[underlined in red]] "Brooksie" better. Dicky [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] Celine [[/underlined in red]] having happy times here