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and [[red underlined]] George in British Columbia [[/red underlined]]
Busy at it all day. Much work expedited no interruptions
[[underlined]] Sept 12. [[/underlined]] Directors meeting. All there except George and A. Karpen. His brother Leo invited
Just before meeting am confronted with news that our [[blue and red underlined]] halowax [[/blue and red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] patent [[/strikethrough]] [[red underlined]] vacuum patent is refused on strength of an earlier German patent [[/red underlined]] After examining the latter case fully feel less perturbed by this news.
[[underlined]] Sept 13 [[/underlined]] At office all morning. Afternoon went to annual Clambake, at Larchmont Yacht Club. Howling stupid niggers
[[strikethrough]] made the p [[/strikethrough]] as paid entertainers made the affair a boresome performance. Left at 7 P.M. Celine came back this morning from the camp with the whole family.
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[[underlined]] Sept 14. [[/underlined]] At home all day
[[underlined]] Sept 15 [[/underlined]] (Sunday) Ditto
[[vertical entry in left margin in red]]
Homebrew [[/vertical entry]]
[[red underlined]] Analyzed [[/red underlined]] my [[strikethrough]] 13% sugar Ale beer [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Ale.]] It contains
[[red underlined]] 6.% alcohol. [[/red underlined]] Starting 13° Balling and bottling at 2°. In fact it showed 6.2%, without correction for temperature which might bring its test down to 6.1%
Beautiful bright cool weather
[[underlined]] Sept 16. [[/underlined]] cooler weather
[[underlined]] Sept 17. [[/underlined]] Took [[red underlined]] Dr. [[Ellech?]] [[/red underlined]] of
Bakelite Gesellschaft to University Club for luncheon. Then took [[red underlined]] Prof. James Kendall of Edinburgh University [[/red underlined]] home for supper. Long pleasant talk he is returning to Europe this Saturday.
[[underlined]] Sept. 18. [[/underlined]] Notified Harris that his varnish tests are unsatisfactory and his engagement ends.
[[underlined]] Sept 18 [[/underlined]]] Long talk with Hays about financial matters