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work interrupted by violent rain. The two bunches of bananas which were sawn from our blown down banana trees are excellent. One bunch is yellow, the other red both are as good as the best I ever ate. Got a lower bunch for Saturday evening.
Swam in the rain and in the dark before going to bed
[[underline]] Oct 8. [[/underline]] More rain. Roofing interrupted and most outdoor work
The [[red underline]] Bougainvilleas [[/red underline]] near the porch which had been stripped of all leaves, have [[strikethrough]] sprouted [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] are sprouting new leaves since Saturday [[/red underline]]
Very busy day. Every minute occupied, mostly in the rain mosquitoes very bothersome in the lower trees
[[underline]] Oct 9. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] More rain. [[/red underline]] This becomes disheartening but am kept
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[[left margin in red]] Rain Rain! [[/left margin]]
very busy every minute.
[[red underline]] Tile setters [[/red underline]] could [[red underline]] not work [[/red underline]] again. Rain kept on till late afternoon.
[[underline]] Oct 10. [[/underline]] Visited boat yard. ION needs new bronze shaft & propeller and new planking is put in.
Again [[red underline]] rain all day [[/red underline]] & night Roof leaks slightly at different places. Mostly over kitchen sink None in sleeping rooms.
[[underline]] Oct 11. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] More rain [[/red underline]] all day! Everybody tells me such a succession of rainy days has never been seen But [[red underline]] Ralph Munroe [[/red underline]] tells me [[red underline]] similar thing happened after 1926 Hurricane [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Oct 12. [[/underline]] Took Atlantic Coast [[?]] train for New York. Train left much later than 10:20 P.M on account of disturbances due to Key West - Havannah connection and washout on R.R. due to late Hurricane. Sleeping car very full.