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[[vertical annotation in left margin and underlined]] Director's meeting [[/left margin]] 
reduction of his salary for next year.  
At 12 M. had [[underlined in red]] my eyes examined [[/underlined in red]] by [[underline in red]] Dr. Ward  Holden [[/underlined in red]] who tells me they are [[underline in red]] all right [[/underlined in red]] except normal aging. Prescribed new glasses.  
[[Underline]] Dec. 19, [[/underline]] Directors meeting at 10 AM. all present except Swan who is visiting customers and Adolf Karpen ill in Chicago. His brother Leo was invited. Mainly routine matters handled and at [[underlined]] noon. [[/underline]] [[underline in red]] Meeting of the stockholders. Only Young Hasslacher  and Gordon Brown [[/underlined in red]] present as stockholders Proxies from everybody but Schleussner who is in Europe.  Immediately afterwards meeting of newly elected directors - same as before
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[[vertical annotation in left margin]] My motion to discontinue Transparent goods and [[underlined in red]] lay off Berliss [[/underlined in red]] [[/left margin]]
Main point of discussion (Leo Karpen present) was motion to [[underline in red]] discontinue Transparent department [[/underlined in red]] according to suggestions of Operating Committee. specially proposed by Rossi. Long discussion but no new facts. [[underline in red]] Everybody but Berlin sees no hope for Transparent department. [[/underlined in red]] Even Berlin on being interrogated cannot advance any ground but guessing. [[underline in red]] Leo Karpen feels as little enthusiastic as [[/underlined in red]] any. Finally motion is carried by all present ^[[except]] Berlin abstaining of voting Immediately afterward an executive meeting. 
Got there after streneous day of meetings at about 4 P.M.  [[underline in red]] Have been laboring under bad cold [[/underline in red]] which makes speaking very tiring