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a mixture of [[underline]] citrate and acetate of Sodium [[/underline]] to restore alcalinity of the urine. Keep quiet in bed and abstain from eating. He says there may be gravel or a slight stone in bladder but all this will have to be determined by Xray examination. He came back at 12 M then at 6 P.M. and again later. Yesterday my temperature was normal so this [[strikethrough]] f [[/strikethrough]] morning. This evening it suddenly went to 102° then to 103°F but then subsided  
Pain has passed and urine in alcaline now.
I wonder whether I tore any ligaments or anything yesterday afternoon's swim while making large inhalations to distend my lungs?
[[entry in left margin]] Incipient Hernia [[/entry in left margin note]]
[[underline]] Jan 16. [[/underline]] Comfortable night, feel much better. [[red underline]] Studied [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] office reports in bed and new proposed [[underline]] increases [[/underline]] of salaries. [[/red underline]] - Violent rain.
To [[strikethrough]] make [[/strikethrough]] complicate matters [[red underline]] Andrew [[/red underline]] is ill suffers of an ailment which makes Jeffrey suspect ptomaine poisoning. All this makes a complication for [[strikethrough]] tomorrow's [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Saturday's]] [[red underline]] arrival of Rossi and Swan [[/red underline]][[strikethrough]] [[underline]] Jan 17 [[/underline]][[/strikethrough]] I got up for a few hours this afternoon 
[[underline]] Jan 17. [[/underline]] Feel much better and dressed directly as usual. But [[red underline]] Fairchild [[/red underline]] ^[[and]] Adams visited me to talk about [[red underline]] bakelite [[/red underline]] and made me rather tired. Sunny but Hygrometer shows moist 
Afternoon Mr & Mrs [[red underline]] Fred Norris [[/red underline]] came to visit me which took me all around the garden while I still