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Roof is [[strikethrough]] off [[/strikethrough]] taken off from Bryans former office. - Went to Miami to see [[underline red]] Talking Movie [[/underline red]] =: All's Quiet on the Western front
[[underline]] May 29. [[/underline]] [[underline red]] Put down 3000 lb. iron block [[/underline red]] [[strikethrough]] morning & 110 feet of ¾" galvanize [[/strikethrough]] new chain + 6 feet 1½ chain fastened to shackle of block, which is an old hammer piece of pile driver. First dug a 8 [[underline red]] feet hole into the rock then dropped the iron block into it [[/underline red]]
[[parallel red lines in left margin]] 
The mooring is planted in direct line of my NE, sea wall and 210 feet distant. Starting second story over Bryan office
[[/parallel red lines in left margin]]
[[underline]] May 30 [[/underline]] Last evening 2" rain. To day occasional showers. This is Decoration day. Builders are at work but William & Curtis away 
Went to examine work of [[underline red]] dredge [[/underline red]] which left early this morning and find that they have made a [[underline red]] very unsatisfactory job [[/underline red]] and left much of the hard rock of the Brindley shoal. The [[underline red]] dumpings [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] on the shoal near James entrance look like an Island! [[/underline red]]
Spent most of day writing letters 
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Ate [[underline red]] some excellent oysters [[/underline red]] I look from the wall while exploring the waters
[[strikethrough]] May 31 [[/strikethrough]] Violent wind and rain this evening. Two of the grape fruit trees again uprooted.
[[underline]] May 31. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] Temp this morning 70˚F [[/strikethrough]] [[underline red]] Paid $180. [[/underline red]] on account to Bunnel for [[underline red]] his rotten job. [[/underline red]] He promises will take away remaining rock without cost
[[strikethrough]] 5.29 [[/strikethrough]] 5.29" rain to day!
June 1 (Sunday) Started laying out things for packing and collecting paper to be shipped to office
[[underline]] Continuous [[/underline]] heavy rain to day, reported later 5¼" making about 11" [[strikethrough]] rain [[/strikethrough]] in 48 hours. [[underline red]] Frogs at night start on irritating continuous shrill whistling [[underline red]] noise.
[[underline]] June 2 [[/underline]] Temp. this morning 70°F. cool night but still raining, 6.79" in last 24 hr = 17.79" in 72 hours! Continuous rain rain rain, of course all work in house stopped since Saturday morning.
[[underline]] June 3 [[/underline]] Temp 73°F this morning and rain has stopped this morning but further reported. Last report 5.68" for last 24 hrs or 23.47" since Sunday morning while annual normal is only 60".
[[underline]] June 4 [[/underline]]- [[obliterating mark]] Went out signing for storage for ION on Nuam River. [[strikethrough]] [[underline]] Everything [[/underline]] occupied [[/strikethrough]] Everything occupied