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Took 8 P.M train, pleasant weather arrived New York, [[underline]] June 27 Friday [[/underline]] afternoon. Yesterday it was 97° F in Washington
89° F in New York. Telegram from Seligsberg that [[red underline]] Jacobi had died in San Francisco [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] June 28. [[/underline]] Early to New York office. - Afternoon Larchmont Yacht Club
[[underline]] June 29 [[/underline]](Sunday). Busy day attending to belated matters
[[underline]]June 30[[/underline]]. Busy day at office. Gave account to George B. of what had seen,
also to Rossi. Redman away on vacation. So is Sanford Brown.
Afternoon meeting at Townsends offices with George Baekeland interrogating Townsend on further details he called in [[red underline]] Dr. Davidson who showed more samples of Venolyte [[/red underline]] answered frankly all chemical
questions I put to him
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