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the subject with George as kindly as possible so as not to arouse resentment on his part.
[[underline]] July 13 [[/underline]] (Sunday). Home all day except afternoon at Larchmont Yacht Club. [[strikethrough]] George telephoned will return ^[[home]] tomorrow aft evening.[[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] July 14. [[/underline]] [[red underline]]  Celine [[/red underlined]] returned this morning from Adirondacks and gave me explanation of deficient report of dividends of National Biscuit on my Income Tax returns of 1928. (See entry erroneously reported in this book as of July 12. Talk with [[red underline]] Swan [[/red underline]] about serious [[red underline]] condition [[/red underline]] confronting us thru lack of raw material for our new best varnishes and how absurd it is to spend additional money and efforts for pushing new varnish material [[red underlined]] when we risk of being left without the necessary raw materials [[/red underlined]]. He tells me matter is not so 
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serious because sales are mostly for inferior grades and that for [[underlined]] them [[/underlined]] there is plenty of raw material available - while the high grade varnish product is very little sold.
Nevertheless shall call in [[strikethrough]] With [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Weith (Redman is away [[/red underline]] on vacation) to get further information on the subject Wednesday morning
[[underlined]] July 15. [[/underlined]] Teeth cleaned and examined at Dr. Fullers. -Nothing wrong no pain.
[[underlined]] July 16 [[/underlined]] Long interview all morning with ^[[Archie]] [[red underlined]] Weith, Alan Brown [[/red underlined]] present. He says there is sufficient material for high grade varnish available and Dow has promised him much more within near future. So we concluded [[red underlined]] Alan Brown could go ahead with his varnish campaign. 
Celine [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] in trying to ride the [[red underline]] Bicycle [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] Dicky [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] on our [[/strikethrough]] at Snug Rock, [[red underlined]] wounded her arm and knee [[/red underlined]] by falling
[[red underlined]] George Roll [[/red underlined]] this evening came to see me to tell that [[red underlined]] position [[/red underlined]]