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[[underline]] July 24 [[/underline]]. Interview with [[red underline]] Prof. [[/red underline]] burnes
14) at office. our living situation
as to phenyl-phenol in relation
to our varnishes and sketching
general outline of research 
along synthesis of there new
phenols. urging him to confer
further with [[red underline]] Kline, Redman,
Bender + Weith.[[/red underline]] - Violent 

[[underline]] July 25 [[/underline]]. Berlin came to office.
Explained him present situation

[[underline]] July 26 [[/underline]]. Went out with George 
Baekeland in racing sloop
which Colonel Pope let him
use. a very pleasant day together.
Afterwards George drove
me home along new Saw-Mill
River Park way and much
beautified section of [[red underline]] Nepera 
Park [[/red underline]], where formerly had my
[[red underline]] Velox [[/red underline]]factory. [[red underline]] Everything has
changed,[[/red underline]] excellent roads and
pretty homes where formerly
were woods and swamp!
Feel like Rip van Winkle
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
15) [[underline]] July 27 [[/underline]] - Sunday.
Hot weather
[[underline]] July 28 [[/underline]] [[dash]] ditto 1930
[[underline]] July 29 [[/underline]] [[dash]] ditto
[[red underline]]George [[/red underline]] Baekeland, myself, [[red underline]] [[???]] [[/red underline]]and Gen. [[red underline]] [[???]] [[/red underline]] left for Niagara
Falls. 9 35 P.M. train -
[[underline]] July 30. [[/underline]] Cool + bright this
morning. Stayed at new hotel
(Niagara Hotel) great improvement
over former hotels. Niagara Falls
has much improved in general 
appearance from former noisy 
shabbiness. Went to [[red underline]] Union carbide [[/red underline]]
plant, saw carbine, and methanol
plant in operation also metallurgical
laboratory in operation.
[[strike through]] ble [[/strike through]] Mr. Persohn, marriages of
methanol took us around.
Whole metallation [[red underline]] makes
excellent impression. [[/red underline]] [[strike through]] Univ [[/strike through]]
They use the waste [???] of their 
carbide ovens for making 
either CO or CO2.. [[red underline]] CO is
converted in methanol. [[/red underline]] or 
in [[red underline]] CO2. [[/red underline]] according to [[red underline]] whether [[/red underline]]

[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
This was my first transcription