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16/ [[underlined]] they want to make methanol or sell CO2 to the "dry Tee" plant nearby. [[/underlined]] [[strikethrough]] furthermore they produce [[/strikethrough]]
[[underlined]] Bartlett [[/underlined]] manager of Hooker Electro chemical plant. Joined us in the evening and drove us all to the Canadian side where we had a glass of good Ale.
[[underlined]] Canada [[/underlined]] has become [[underlined]] most popular [[/underlined]] with  American visitors since Ontario abandoned prohibition and the influx of thirsty American excursionists has enormously increased Canadian [[strikethrough]] revenue [[/strikethrough]] tourist purchases.
Then[[underlined]] Bartlett [[/underlined]] drove us to a very nice [[underlined]] Country Club [[/underlined]] overlooking the landscape.-More Ale there. Then at 10 P.M went to visit [[strikethrough]] Pro [[/strikethrough]] Jasper Rowlands Bungalow situated close to the [[underlined]] shore of [[/underlined]] the Lake. Very pretty situation. He has 3 fine boys one of which is to enter Yale this

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17/ year; the next preparing for Annapolis. G very busy and very emjoyable day. Back at hotel at midnight.
[[underlined]] July 31 [[/underlined]] Bright pleasant cool day. Visited [[underlined]] Hooker plant [[/underlined]] All the [[underlined]] Hookers [[/underlined]] are away. D. Snowden and Bartlett took us thru different department. Plant has grown enourmously since 1916 and covers about 35 acres
All operations running smoothly and quietly. On account of business depression present output has been reduced.-Afternoon Bartlett took us to Restaurant then to old French Fort on the Lake, then to the [[underlined]] Rowland family [[/underlined]] where we had good ale then after hurried supper we left for New York. with 9:25 P.M train
[[underlined]] Aug 1 [[/underlined]]Arrived New York 9:25 AM cool pleasant weather. But country much in need of rain Crops are drying out.
[[underlined]] Aug 2 [[/underlined]] Stayed home. Feel tired and had little or no sleep last night and feel feverish afternoon went to Larchmont Y.C