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sation for any financial proposition which would bring them money advantages ready to throw out of employment their engineers and chemists as they had done in the past and in the mean time [[red underlined]] speculating [[/red underlined]] with the money reserves of their company. [[red underlined]] These remarks are made impersonally and cast no reflexion on the quality or character of their directors.[[/red underlined]] That the name of some of their directors was well known and advantageously known. But that it would not be the first time when financial means with sinister purposes and in order to cover their tracks had associated with them [[red underlined]] decoy directors [[/red underlined]] who blinded the public by their excellent reputation, while they become simply camouflage for the real men who ran the business. A striking example was that of [[red underlined]] General Grant,[[/red underlined]] a man of utmost integrity being thus exploi- 
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ted by his rascally partners, who knew his incapacity for business and his unimpeachable reputation of honesty and fair dealing.
I stated furthermore that in any arrangements which would be made [[red underlined]] I wanted to avoid that any of our excellent men who had helped to develop our business [[/red underlined]] and who trusted in me and in our corporation should undergo the fate which had shelved so man men in former merger and [[red underlined]] threw them out of employment [[/red underlined]] or diminished their chances
[[underlined]] Aug 6 [[/underlined]] At home all day. Feel very tired after a sleepless night Weather very hot. General drought over country and some crops like wheat and corn much affected. Crisis with cattle situation on account of lack of fodder. [[red underlined]] President Hoover inaugurates action for relief to drought stricken farmers.[[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Aug 7. [[/underlined]] Cooler this morning but no rain in sight. [[red underlined]] Celine [[/red underlined]] and rest of family [[red underlined]] in Adirondacks [[/red underlined]] All alone here this evening again