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[[left margin in red]] my opposition [[/left margin]]
Our [[red underline]] European subsidiaries already are deflection much [[/red underline]] too much the attention of our men As a matter of primary importance I put the [[red underline]] question first [[/red underline]]:
Is it [[red underline]] advisable [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] embarking [[/red underline]] in an entirely new business at present and to [[strikethrough]] spend [[/strikethrough]] ^[[reach]] not only a large sum of money, but more important still, divide further our attention when we have our hands & heads full of other ever increasing matters of immediate importance That it [[red underline]] will take us a long time [[/red underline]] and much close attention to find out not only how good the process is, but how bad it is etc.
[[left margin]] [[underline]] August 19 [[/underline]]. At office [[/left margin]]
[[red underline]] All of them except C. P. Townsend [[/red underline]] take another view. Sanford Brown "sits on the fence".
[[underline]] Aug 20. [[/underline]] Meeting same as yesterday but with [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Trist. [[/red underline]] (Mills also present.) [[red underline]] Trist [[/red underline]] gives us a very clever description of his process
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and answers all questions put to him, and goes in many details. He [[red underline]] makes [[/red underline]] the [[red underline]] impression [[/red underline]] of a [[red underline]] sincere man, [[/red underline]], who is well acquainted with his subject and speaks out frankly, and shows possession of good knowledge, skill and experience. - I want to talk to Mr. [[red underline]] Deere [[/red underline]] in whose establishment and with whose help all the recent work has been conducted. Trist also gives us a frank account of why the British Company has not been a success and reads private letters on the subject. - We are [[red underline]] cabling [[/red underline]] ^[[cabing]] to [[red underline]] Potter [[/red underline]] of Bakelite Ltd and to [[red underline]] Perkins [[/red underline]] to obtain further information on the subject. 
Terms proposed 
^[[1/]] [[red underline]] $100,000 cash [[/red underline]] to Trist after patent research is satisfactory
2/ [[red underline]]$100,000 more[[/red underline]] to be spent so as to let us [[strikethrough]] feel [[/strikethrough]] ^[[try]] whether the project has the expected merits.
3/ After this either B.C concluded that the project