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[[strikethrough]] In exchange [[/strikethrough]] Meeting very friendly and terminated about 2 PM.
[[underlined]] Aug 26 1930. [[/underlined]] [[red underline]] Colonel Pope [[/red underline]] came to see me at office and repeated statements of George B concerning his unpleasant dealings with [[red underline]] Rafferty [[/red underline]] and story of the Chromium mine in Canada. [[red underline]] Pope does not know that we are negotiating for a merger [[/red underline]] and thinks we are simply trying to make new contract for Methanol and other rare materials with C&C.
So much the more am I determined to insure position and status of Swan etc.
Afternoon had a long talk with George B in which we discussed pending matters and his future. [[red underline]] George feels as I do that mere money is not worthwhile if it enslaves a man [[/red underline]] into [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethough]] uncongenial work or uncongenial business associates But both believe it is worth 
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trying how to get along with C&C and leave it to future to decide whether to continue or not. - 
[[entry in left margin in red]]
Am willing to resign [[/entry in left margin]]
As [[red underline]] far as I am concerned personally am willing to retire or to continue leading Bakelite as its president if this is found necessary or advisable for safeguarding the interests of our organisation [[/red underline]]
[[underlined]] Aug 27. [[/underlined]] Another busy day, various endless matters. [[red underline]] Trists's [[/red underline]] proposed contract put in more detailed form
[[double underline]] Aug 28. [[/double underline]] [[strikethrough]] Went [[/strikethrough]] Also endless work correcting long letter and sales policy for Germany by Sanford Brown of which [[red underline]] I am correcting not only his English text but also the German translation [[/red underline]] ([[strikethrough]] by Mus [[/strikethrough]] which will be submitted to Dr. Fabian of Rutgerswerke so that the latter may realise how the management of German Bakelite in their stupid, narrow-minded sales policy had jeopardised enormously the future of Bakelite in Germany
Also a letter to [[red underline]] Dr. Stauss [[/red underline]] to this effect.