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merely a ratio of earnings it would amount to [[red underline]] about [[/red underline]] 63 1/2 [[red underline]] millions [[/red underline]] if then published statements of earnings were correct. Immediately after departure of Townsend I called upon [[red underline]] Hays [[/red underline]] who arrived at 4P.M. and together we went over my figures and reasonings which [[red underline]] he supports [[/red underline]] as warranted.
[[underline]] Sept. 11 [[/underline]] Townsend phones Barret leaving to day for an engagement in the country and will not be back before Tuesday
[[underline]] Sept 12. [[/underline]] [[red underline]]   Sidonie [[/red underline]] announces her intention leaving our service to help her daughter start a manicuring establishment.
Celine to arrive here Monday
Sultry day, at office. Explained to George and to S. Brown my recent calculations concerning C.&C. proposal.
Townsend announces patents of [[red underline]] Trist [[/red underline]] not in good shape 
Trial printing of our book 
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with Pantone going on. - Some trouble with sharpness of half-tones. - Letter printing good. Evening at U.C. for supper.
[[underline]] Sept 13. [[/underline]] Sultry and cloudy International Yacht races between Lipton & v.d. Bith.  Here in Yonkers all day writing and studying and writing my journal up to date. Afternoon had visit of a Mr. Johnson representing Central National Bank of Yonkers to induce me opening an account.
[[underline]] Sept. 14. [[/underline]] (Sunday) Here all day writing & reading. Max Toch visited with a friend this afternoon
[[underline]] Sept. 15. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] Rented [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] arrived here with [[red underline]] George's children [[/red underline]] from [[red underline]] Adirondacks.[[/red underline]] Little [[red underline]] Peter Roll [[/red underline]] fell from a chair and lost [[red underline]] two upper teeth, in his [[/red underline]] house.
Georges children look healthy and active.
[[strikethrough]] Rented room [[/strikethrough]] Engaged a room at University Club for this very busy