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week. - Hot and sultry. All day at office. Evening was guest of Pupin at University Club. [[red underline]] Pupin [[/red underline]] giving a [[red underline]] dinner to the [[/red underline]] delegates of [[red underline]] Serbian F.I.D.A.C [[/red underline]] (Fédération Interalliee des Anciens Combatants). Most
speeches in Serbian, which has the same sonorous trend as Spanish. - [[red underline]] Pupin's [[/red underline]] legs have [[red underline]] not improved, [[/red underline]] altho his speech was as clear and vigorous as ever. I sent several bottles of my wine which was mild appreciated but drinking was very moderate amongst all guests.
[[underline]] Sept. 16 [[/underline]] Meeting with [[red underline]] Barrett & Townsend [[/red underline]] at the former office. George B with me. 10 A.M. [[red underline]] Barrett [[/red underline]] astonishes me with his calculations as to relative assets [[strikethrough]] of sha [[/strikethrough]] behind shares of [[red underline]] Union Carbide [[/red underline]] & Carbon and ours. - Townsend has a bad cold and seems concerned that the [[red underline]] 20 million proposal [[/red underline]] of Barrett including preferred stock
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[[left margin]] Trist [[/left margin]]
etc is very good. Told [[red underline]] Barret [[/red underline]] that calculations of his accountant as to book value and ours are so different that I prefer not to pronounce myself until I have had time to study and compare. He gives me a typewritten sheet together with our [[red underline]] Lybrandt [[/red underline]] Balance sheet and analysis end 1929. Told him once more [[red underline]] we want no preferred only common stock [[/red underline]] in our exchange. Afternoon interview with [[red underline]] Trist [[/red underline]] who has returned from Cuba. Told him [[red underline]] frankly [[/red underline]] all objections which have been raised against his patent situation which is not clear also as to technical objections Allan Brown raised after having heard criticisms of [[strikethrough]] Re [[/strikethrough]] a friend of Rickard. Explained also why, in order to gain time, we had not waited until his return for testing the process to see what could be done under the least favorable conditions and by men of mediocre experience, [[strikethrough]] so [[/strikethrough]] all this assuming that patent situation was well protected. But that now situation was reversed

Transcription Notes:
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