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Altho next period may begin to show better. 
[[left margin in red]] Townsend ill [[/left margin]]
[[red underline]] Townsend [[red underline]] participated in discussion about pending [[red underline]] patent suit against Durez. [[/red underline]] His cold worse and he intends to "break it" by going on an automobile trip [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] West which [[red underline]] I think very foolish. But cannot be persuaded.[[/red underline]]
Afternoon meeting for action on Halisan situation
[[underline]] Sept 18. [[/underline]] Was guest of Industrial Conference meeting. [[strikethrough]] Alexan [[/strikethrough]] at Astor Hotel and luncheon. Met [[red underline]] Elon Hooker [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Janic Dupont; [[/red underline]] only a few casual words with the latter so had no time to feel him about possible merger.
[[underline]] Sept. 19. [[/underline]] Met [[red underline]] Barret [[/red underline]] with [[red underline]] Geo B. Townsend [[/red underline]] absent and has been persuaded by his physician to omit his motor trip and [[red underline]] stay in bed [[/red underline]] Had quiet friendly talk with [[red underline]] Barret, [[/red underline]] - told him I now saw how his accountants had come 
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to such a different way of calculation. That they were unaware of my stipulations as to preferred stock etc. After long friendly talk told him I would submit him a definite proposition of minimum terms after I had opportunity to discuss it with Hays, Redman, Rossi & Sanford Brown and which I could recommend to them for adoption. If [[red underline]] they agreed I would communicate with [[/red underline]] him and if it was accepted I would then communicate with Karpen Bros and persuade them to accept it. If [[red underline]] however [[/red underline]] our [[red underline]] proposition was [[/red underline]] unacceptable to [[red underline]] Barret [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] his friend this would end the matter. [[/red underline]] We left each other in friendly mood. George B. tells me that he met [[red underline]] Schleussner [[/red underline]] casually and that the latter had told him how satisfied he was with the new arrangement with [[red underline]] Dupont, [[/red underline]] and how [[red underline]] nothing has changed for R&H except for the better,[[/red underline]] and that he feels happy in his work and responsibilities He hinted to George that it would