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be to our advantage if we made a similar deal with Dupont etc. - Of course [[red underline]] Schleussner knows nothing [[/red underline]] about pending negotiations with [[red underline]] U. C&C Schleussner [[/red underline]] went so far as to tell George that he would like to talk to me on this subject
Afternoon visit of [[red underline]] Dr. Ramon Cantor [[/red underline]] of the Department of Agriculture of Spain. - [[red underline]] Madrid [[/red underline]] (Lista 18. - Madrid). Ingeniero Agronomo. Took him to U.C for supper.
[[underline]] Sept 20. [[/underline]] At office all morning calculating new offer to U.C.&C. Yesterday submitted my plan for about [[red underline]] 28 1/2 mill. Dollar calculates [[/red underline]] as shares [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] of [[red underline]] U.C&C at $80 to George [[/red underline]] and he [[red underline]] thought it was too high. [[/red underline]] I do not think so.
None of the directors at the office. [[red underline]] Hays [[/red underline]] joined me at 12^[[M]] to go over my calculations. He [[red underline]] thinks they are acceptable. [[/red underline]] - Thinks however it might be better not to approach 
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Dupont thru [[red underline]] Schleussner [[/red underline]] because the latter might claim undue importance and thus secure important directorship in Bakelite where he is not needed. 
[[left margin]] Methanol [[/left margin]]
George B told me yesterday that [[red underline]] part of our methanol [[/red underline]] we are supposed to get from [[red underline]] Union C&C is furnished by Dupont who threatened a price war unless [[strikethrough]] producer of [[/strikethrough]] U.CC [[strikethrough]] methanol [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] agreed to divide the market with them. [[/red underline]]
Townsend told me last week that [[red underline]] U.C&C [[/red underline]] are [[red underline]] preparing themselves to make synthetic phenol and will thus have all the raw materials for making synthetic resins. The ratio I want to submit [[/red underline]] for discussion to Rossi, Redman & Sanford Brown, corresponds to an [[red underline]] exchange of shares based on ratio [[/red underline]] of average last 3 year earnings of U.C&C and B.C. under the assumption that the average ratio of U.C&C. earnings is $3.62 per share of U.C&C capitalised at 80$ per share, we being penalised for the