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[[underline]] Oct. 20 [[/underline]]. Conference with Swan George B, Rossi and Sanford Brown on subject of Contract with [[red underline]] Trist [[/red underline]]. Later experiments with his process have given more satisfactory results. Trouble with Chromium plating which had been caused by too high temperature in plating bath has been overcome since cooling was resorted too. Report of Swan and Allan Brown is favorable. 
[[left margin]] 1931 [[/left margin]]
Afternoon went to [[red underline]] Faculty Engineering meeting [[/red underline]] at Columbia.
[[underline]] Oct 21 [[/underline]]. [[red underline]] Trist [[/red underline]] at office after Hays made some last corrections to proposed contract. 
George B. Cornelia and Brooksie for supper. 
[[left margin in red]] Brooksie & Dickey [[/left margin]]
[[red underline]] Dickey [[/red underline]] here [[red underline]] recuperating rapidly. Brooksie [[/red underline]] is a [[red underline]] fine boy [[/red underline]] and makes [[red underline]] excellent impressions [[/red underline]] Wide [[red underline]] awake, quiet in action, [[/red underline]] frank and intelligent. It was a pleasure to hear the children laugh at the funny stories of their dad. A very pleasant evening. 
[[end page]]
[[start page]] 
[[red underline]] George B. [[/red underline]] leaves on a [[red underline]] Yachting cruise [[/red underline]] in Chesapeake Bay. Saturday morning. [[red underline]] Yacht [[/red underline]] belongs to [[red underline]] President of United Carbon & Carbide Co. [[/red underline]] who invited [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] to take a rest of her while she's on her way to Florida. and [[red underline]] Townsend asks George [[/red underline]] to join him.
[[underline]] Oct 22 [[/underline]]. Met [[red underline]] Townsend [[/red underline]] 10 A.M. telling him about Trist situation and that this afternoon we shall sign latter's contract. Evg at U.C. [[red underline]] Arthur Scribner [[/red underline]] at our table. Also [[red underline]] Trist [[/red underline]] when I afterwards drove to his steamer for England. 
[[underline]] Oct 23 [[/underline]] Dr. Hainsworth, physical chemist of Electrolux Co here on my invitation explained to him my intention of using Sunheater in my Florida home to do refrigerating work in a refrigerator in which I want to install their Electrolux outfit. Gave him all the data. While I was busy with him had visit of [[red underline]] Dr. Milton. Whitaker [[/red underline]] who came [[strikethrough]] unan unan [[/strikethrough]] without prelimenary appointment to tell me the story of ^[[Am]] [[red underline]] Cyanamide Company [[/red underline]] This in relation to a prior visit of [[red underline]] Col Fred. Pope [[/red underline]] in which the latter
[[left margin]] At noon meeting Chandler Medal Committee at Faculty Club Committee = McKee, Thomas, [[red underline]] LH Baekeland [[/red underline]]