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enumerating a long list of what has been accomplished recently. I left at 11 PM for Yonkers.
[[underline]] Nov 13 [[/underline]] [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] left on an expedition for Long Island, [[red underline]] duck shooting [[/red underline]] will be away until Nov. 16. His afternoon lecture at Columbia to our Chemical Engineers: [[red underline]] "Why some chemical enterprises do not succeed. [[/red underline]] - All my colleagues there with the students
[[underline]] Nov. 14 [[/underline]] Celine reminds me [[red underline]] that I am 67 years old today. [[/red underline]] Early to office. Sanford Brown tells me that he, George B. Rossi Swan & Redman unanimously agreed to make [[red underline]] reductions in prices for molding mixtures [[/red underline]] for 1931 [[red underline]] so [[/red underline]] as to make average price 20 cents and to prevent losing our trade thru competitors [[strikethrough]] low [[/strikethrough]] offering lower price. In a letter addressed to Operations committee I [[red underline]] officially repeated what I told to Sanford Brown [[/red underline]]
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1) [red underline]] That there is every possibility that if we lower our price, our competitors will still further lower [[/red underline]] theirs even if they did it below cost, [[red underline]] because they must [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] sell th [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] convert into cash their [[/red underline]] manufactured goods as well as their new materials. [[strikethrough]] That [[/strikethrough]] This may lead to a [[red underline]] price-cutting [[/red underline]] era [[red underline]] where everyone loses money as [[/red underline]] happened in other industries therefore altho I am willing to approve their resolution. I consider this merely as an experiment. [[red underline]] Lowest price for cheapest molding mixture [[/red underline]] will be 16 c
2) Told them [[red underline]] my consent involves drastic reduction of general overhead expenses but not lowering wages of workmen. [[/red underline]]
Feel very tired and indifferent to my work, etc. This last time I should get 14 days in Florida, far removed from this atmosphere of business