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describing early settlers under trees in Coconut Grove all alone here is delightful Andrew & his wife are away no visitors - complete rest and contemplation of these charming surrounds. Afternoon and evening excellent Radio Concerts - a most restful and refreshing day.
[[underlline]] Nov. 24 [[/underline]]. Picked out 2 Pritchardi Pacifica at deerings. Went to Miami to buy an anchor on which to fasten the "Anchorage" sign at entrance of property
[[strikethrough]] [[underline]] Nov. 25 [[/underline]][[/strikethrough]] bought [[red underline]] ticket for New York for Saturday [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Nov. 25 [[/underline]]. [[red underline]] Eliminated surplus Australian pines so as to have cross lands view to harbor. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Nov. 26 [[/underline]] Busy day as unusually crisp weather but cool. 50˚F this morning. Still colder [[?]] Swimming good just the same Water in pool is 74˚F
[[underline]] Nov 27. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Thanksgiving day. [[/red underline]] Cool
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but bright sunny day. Temperature [[strikethrough]] as [[strikethrough]] about 67˚F and 50˚F this morning. All day here, no visitors. Enjoyed day very much. Swimming water was 72˚F but [[strikethrough]] aqu [[strikethrough]] pleasant. A week ago copies of letters of [[red underline]] Surcouf [[/red underline]] were sent to me. He seems [[red underline]] desperate and implores George [[/red underline]] to use his influence to accommodate him and the French Company for that absurdedly onesided unfair [[strikethrough]] arr [[/strikethrough]] arrangement [[red underline]] which is to entangle us with another bother and responsibilities towards France and [[/red underline]] nothing but absurd "compensations". -The [[red underline]] whole thing turned out exactly as I foresaw. See recent correspondence of Bakelite [[/red underline]] Corporation with Germany and France. I shall answer Surcouf's] letters after I have seen the German letters on the subject.
[[underline]] Nov. 28 [[/underline]] Preparing to leave
[[underline]] Nov. 29 [[/underline]] Patterson here to advise about
[[left margin]] Trouble with Surcouf & Bakelite Gesellschaft [[/left margin]]