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[[underline]] Dec 10 ^[[1930]] [[/underline]] Leo Karpen at the office told him about proposed dividend. He says O.K and seems satisfied about our [[strikethrough]] Dec 11 [[/strikethrough]] condition in such a bad year.
[[underline]] Dec 11. [[/underline]] At office all day. Spent much time on the unfortunately worded lime-patents of Redman et all
[[underline]] Dec. 12 [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] & 13 at office At [[/strikethrough]] & 13 At office
[[left margin in red]] Decline of Securities [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Dec. 14 [[/underline]] (Sunday)  [[red underline]] Celine made a list of securities purchased and which had declined in market value since I purchased [[/red underline]] them. The [[red underline]] decline [[/red underline]] amounts to about [[red underline]] $160,000.[[/red underline]] I shall sell them to establish a loss which can be deducted from my 1930 income for my Income Tax.
[[red underline]] Hays suggests that Celine should buy them, [[/red underline]] I furnishing the cash. This would also give an increased income [[red underline]] for Celine,[[/red underline]] unless for some reason or another I desire to buy them back from
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her at some future time.
[[red underline]] Nina [[/red underline]] came here with charming [[red underline]] little Peter [[/red underline]] who is a most [[red underline]] lovely little boy, [[/red underline]] full of action, intelligent and quick witted and very cheerful.  [[red underline]] What a blessing to have boys of the kind in ones family [[/red underline]]
[[left margin in red]] Stone crab dinner at University Club [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Dec. 15. [[/underline]] Shall live at University Club for this busy week. So drove there [[strikethrough]] this afternoon [[/strikethrough]] at noon.  
Afternoon 4:10 P.M Meeting of [[red underline]] Columbia of Engineering Faculty [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Dec 16. [[/underline]] Took room at [[red underline]] the University [[/red underline]] Club.
This [[red underline]] evening gave my Stone Crab dinner.[[/red underline]] Following were present
[[red underline]] Rushmore, Durant, Sam Hill, Dr. Holden, Reynders, William Kissam,[[/red underline]] C. Lansing [[red underline]] Hays, [[/red underline]] Dr. Cary [[red underline]] Hutchinson,[[/red underline]] ^[[Walter]] [[red underline]] Chambers,[[/red underline]] George [[red underline]] Parsons [[/red underline]] and myself.
[[red underline]] Judge Ordway [[/red underline]] could not come
[[red underline]] Hardon [[/red underline]] was in the hospital with pneumonia and [[red underline]] Pupin [[/red underline]] retained at home with rheumatism