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[[red underlined]] I had sent up flowers from our greenhouse [[/red underlined]] also some potted [[strikethrough]] plants [[/strikethrough]] greenhouse plants to be taken home as souvenirs. Menu consisted of Caviar and other hors' d'oeuvres taken standing: 1st. oysters
[[red underline]] Turtle soup [[/red underline]] au sherry 
Stone crabs cold with Mayonnaise 
Fruit salad 
Ice Cream with Jamaica Rhum (Lala Rookh) 
[[red underline]] Served my Yonkers wines. [[/red underline]] Started at 7:30 and everything over at 10.P.M Splendid spirit, very charming speech by [[red underline]] Rushmore [[/red underline]] and everybody seemed to enjoy it as much as I and everybody told me so and days after. None of them had ever eaten [[red underline]] Stone-Crabs [[/red underline]] and all were delighted with this for them new dish.  
After the Stone crabs, was served Florida Sweet Yams 
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in butter which was also a novelty to them.
[[underline]] Dec. 17 [[/underline]] Meeting of Morse-Draper Committee at 1 P.M at Fifth Ave Hotel - 9th str & 5th Ave. Luncheon. [[red underline]] Chancellor Brown [[/red underline]] of N.Y. University presiding. [[red underline]] Cass Gilbert, Saranof [[/red underline]] and Prof. [[red underline]] Charles Scott of Yale [[/red underline]] etc. They wanted to make me member executive com. [[red underline]] which I declined [[/red underline]] and suggested one of the Duponts and that I would write [[strikethrough]] Dec. [[/strikethrough]] All these days have been preparing for tomorrow morning [[red underline]] stockholder annual meeting etc. Directors meeting at 11 AM [[/red underline]]
short & formal. Karpen absent followed by Stockholders meeting at 12. 
After [[red underline]] the formal meetings [[/red underline]] I [[strikethrough]] told [[/strikethrough]] held [[red underline]] private meeting. Redman, Rossi, Sanford Brown & Geo B [[/red underline]] being present and suggested to them that in view of the considerable rise in [[red underline]] compen- [[/red underline]]