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[[underline]] Jan 5. [[/underline]] Brandensteen seems to get impatient because I do not rush to follow his advice about the [[red underline]] Jacobi [[/red underline]] estate so wrote him and to Hays.
[[underline]] Jan 6. [[/underline]] Strong wind.
[[underline]] " [[ditto for: Jan]] 7 [[/underline]] ION on being painted shows rotten bulwarks so send her to the [[red underline]] Coconut Grove boat yard [[/red underline]] for new bulwark also to put up new canvas on deck.
Found [[red underline]] Seabury [[/red underline]] there. His schooner Casco also needs new bulwark, has rotten plank in her hull and has rotten mast, almost complete renewal. Bright calm sunny day
Jan 8. Sent telegram to [[red underline]] Dr. Arthur D. Little congratulating him on his reception of Perkin Medal [[/red underline]]
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which takes place in Columbia University, the Chemists Club still being under repairs.  
Bought some more furniture at Sears Roebuck.
[[left margin in red]] Indians [[/red left margin]]
[[strikethrough]] Juan 9 [[/strikethrough]] While in the store found myself in company of four stalwart [[red underline]] Seminole Indians also one squaw and two children the latter all barefooted and in their multicolored Seminole dress [[/red underline]] and the children trying to dance to the music of a phonograph in the store.
[[underline]] Jan 9. [[/underline]]
[[left margin]] Wrote to Karpen my views about Bakelite. [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Jan 10 [[/underline]] Wrote [[red underline]] long letter to Karpen [[/red underline]] giving him [[red underline]] my views about present situation of Bakelite Corporation [[/red underline]] and our program. Also many other letters to office.
Evening went to [[red underline]] Fairchilds [[/red underline]] after supper to meet Drs [[red underline]] Newell, Wheeler [[/red underline]] and two