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Jan. 15 & 16
[[underline]] Jan 17 [[/underline]] Unusual weather this year. Several days 60:64° during the day. Bright today went to see the [[red underline]] barque [[/red underline]]-rigged ship in which [[red underline]] Byrd went to South pole [[/red underline]] which is on exhibition at Miami water front. 
Evening went to movies then listened over [[red underline]] radio [[/red underline]] to excellent concert by Miami University. Then further on [[red underline]] Radio [[/red underline]] excellent dialog by [[red underline]] Floyd Gibbons [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] Larry Hopkins [[/red underline]] (the latter one of the men of General Electric) on a [[strikethrough]] scientifuc [[/strikethrough]] scientific subject, very complicated but rendered understandable to the public. Then followed by an exquisite [[strikethrough]] re [[/strikethrough]] concert
[[red underline]] A few days ago I lost patience [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] with the radio. To day I forgot all about it. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Jan 18 Sunday.[[/underline]] 1931 Quiet but busy Sunday here all alone
[[underline]] Jan 19. [[/underline]] Telegram from [[red underline]] Celine [[/red underline]] this morning she is leaving for [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] ^[[our]] camp in the [[red underline]] Adirondacks [[/red underline]] till end of week with Nina and Cornelia
[[underline]] Jan 20. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Andrew Murray [[/red underline]] ill in bed. [[red underline]] Stomach trouble. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]] Busy all day writing and reading etc. Mild weather but rain on evening.
[[underline]] Jan 21. [[/underline]] Strong rain last night and sudden change or wind N.W. and low temperatures 48°F night, and 50-54°F during day. Feels very chilly and cloudy 
[[red underline]] Murray still in bed [[/red underline]]
Spent most of day letter writing.