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letter from [[red underlined]] Celine [[/red underlined]] who went to the [[red underlined]] Adirondacks [[/red underlined]] with Cornelia and Nina and how she enjoyed [[red underlined]] her trip to our camp [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Jan. 28. [[/underlined]]  Mild and sunny. [[red underlined]] Murray [[/red underlined]] still working on [[red underlined]] ION [[/red underlined]] at boat yard Long [[red and black underlined]] telegram [[strikethrough]] from [[/strikethrough]] ^[[to]] Rossi cautioning [[/red and black underlined]] him about proposed arrangements with [[red underlined]] Raschig which will involve us directly to about a million Dollars [[/red underlined]] simply on his statement of expectation. [[red underlined]] Patent not yet allowed [[/red underlined]] nor opportunity for search and binding ourselves for twenty years with all possible  eventualities. [[/red underlined]] Cautions against to many gambles carried at the same time [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Jan 31 [[/underlined]] [[red underlined]] Bad news from Italy [[underined]] Strauss [[/underlined]] writes me Harry [[underlined]] Mills [[/underlined]] has [[underlined]] nervous breakdown [[/underlined]] and incapacitated to attend to business matters properly. [[underlined]] I wrote George that Sanford Brown should go to [[/red and black underlined]] Europe as soon as possible and return immediately after 
[[left margin vertically]] Caution against Raschig [[underlined]] Jan 29. [[underlined]] [[red underlined]] ION [[/red underlined]] back in our harbor Mr. & Mrs. Livermore visited here. [[underlined]] Mills breaks [[/underlined]] down.
[[/left margin vertically]]
[[right margin in red]] But he did not go [[/right margin]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
German meeting. [[red underlined]] Rossi [[/red underlined]] who got us in all this Italian entanglement and is [[red underlined]] easily wayled by polite [[/red underlined]] forms [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] not so suitable furthermore is needed here. [[red underlined]] Same reasons apply to Redman. [[/red underlined]] Received copy of telegram which George sent to [[red underlined]] Raschig [[/red underlined]][[strikethrough]] in the [[/strikethrough]] and worded in the spirit of my advice on the subject of [[strikethrough]] new [[/strikethrough]] Raschig's new process for phenol. 
[[underlined]] Feb 1. 1931. [[/underlined]] Here all Sunday no visitors. Bright pleasant day. Letter from [[red underlined]] Strauss recommending to let Mills have vacation that he has nervous breakdown [[/red underlined]] and is unfit for his work at present. Wrote letter to Strauss will advise so at office and [[red underlined]] wired to office accordingly [[strikethrough]] George wires [[/strikethrough]] recommending to send Sanford Brown. [[/red underlined]] George wires back there is no good reason for sending some one and they do not plan to send anybody because it is unnecessary. 
Feb 3. Rain. Feel tired and general feeling of "broken bones"