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that even then our book profits are inflated because we have not written off our [[red underline]] losses [[/red underline]] in [[red underline]] Italy [[/red underline]] nor have we made sufficient allowance for [[red underline]] diminished value [[/red underline]] of book [[red underline]] assets. [[/red underline]]. Strong westerly winds
[[underline]] Feb 26 [[/underline]] Byck here. Wired to Pupin why he does not give sign of life. Bridges of [[red underline]] Samson & Bridges [[/red underline]] came here to make [[red underline]] an offer however low for Black's place.[[/red underline]] They ask $75000 for it. Told him it is absurd.
Feb. 27. Busy day as usually
Feb 28. Letter [[red underline]] Surcouf [[/red underline]] denying [[red underline]] contract of 1930 void etc [[/red underline]] 
Afternoon [[strikethrough]] open a [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] garden Concert [[/red underline]] at [[red underline]] Arthur Curtis James,[[/red underline]] very pleasant gathering of very desirable neighbors & visitors. Concert excellent.
Another [[red underline]] letter [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] daughter [[/red underline]] of [[red underline]] Guequier, [[/red underline]] sending me a copy of my letter to her father written
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from New York in 1889 to him.  As letter is a photographic copy of my handwritten letter I have now the proof that this letter was simply in answer of a letter of Guequier to loan him money. His daughter who then (in 1889) was merely a child has evidently made to believe that I owed money to her father hence the presumptious tone she assumes. I shall have to write her the true story [[red underline]] how I got duped by her parents. [[/red underline]]
Andrew [[red underline]] Murray ill again [[/red underline]] in bed with [[red underline]] stomach troubles. [[/red underline]] Looks like an ulcer.
[[underline]] March 1 [[/underline]] (Sunday) Wrote further letter to Brittner about [[red underline]] Jacobi's debt. [[/red underline]] Letter to George commenting on [[red underline]] Surcoufs [[/red underline]] absurd claims and to submit my comments to Hays.  I refuse to reinstate the letter-contract of June 24, 1930
Very Strong rain during night.
[[underline]] March 2.  [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Erwin [[/red underline]] here putting up double ceiling of [[red underline]] Celotex [[/red underline]] in cook's room