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[[red underline]] hip. [[/red underline]] and had been lying in bed in plaster casts since eight weeks and was to be transported tomorrow to New York. [[strikethrough]] The ladies ha [[/strikethrough]]. She was [[red underline]] very cheerful [[/red underline]] and the ladies had a pleasant talk together while Deeds and Squier and myself talked about our problems of war times.
[[underline]] March 27. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Squier [[/red underline]] here at 
2 P.M joined by Fairchild then [[red underline]] Colonel Deeds [[/red underline]] arrived in his power launch in [[red underline]] my harbor. [[/red underline]]
Dedicated to [[strikethrough]] each one [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Squier and Deeds one of my Royal Palms [[/red underline]] and named [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]] the trees after them and made them photos
Then on my terrace [[red underline]] Deeds, Squier and Fairchild [[/red underline]] and ^[[myself]] while sipping a [[red underline]] glass of my beer [[/red underline]] listened to most interesting
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conversation and reminiscences. [[red underline]] Squier [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] wh [[/strikethrough]] how he got acquainted with the [[red underline]] Wright brothers [[/red underline]] and how he afterwards as a U.S officer of the signal corps, [[red underline]] was selected to accompany Orville Wright as a passenger, [[/red underline]] thus fulfilling the stipulations of the U.S. Government contract whereby the [[red underline]] first Airplane [[/red underline]] was purchased for the [[red underline]] U.S. Army. [[/red underline]] It was assimilated to the [[red underline]] Balloon service [[/red underline]] and Balloon service being part of [[red underline]] Signal Service [[/red underline]] and Lieutenant [[red underline]] Squier [[/red underline]] being of the Signal Service was entrusted in drawing up the details of the contract and then further as to the tests. [[/red underline]] Orville Wright [[/red underline]] probably preferred Squier as "a passenger" to fulfill the stipulations [[red underline]] because Squier was very small and light. Even [[/red underline]] today he is