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[[underline]] April [[strikethrough]] 10 [[/strikethrough]] 11, [[/underline]] 1931. 
[[red underline]] George B [[/red underline]] arrived here this morning. Looks very well. Discussed pending matters of Bakelite Corporation.
Had a very happy day together Celine, [[red underline]] George [[/red underline]] and myself. No servants. [[red underline]] George had the Balcony [[/red underline]] room. Happy reunion
[[underline]] April 12. Sunday [[/underline]]. Celine leaves to morrow for Yonkers, in the morning Another happy day all three together. Rainy day. Curtis plays house maid. This morning during rain passed in review various subjects of Bakelite Corporation. [[red underline]] Townsend condition no better [[/red underline]] and scant hope for much betterment. Will be incapacitated for his work and stays home [[red underline]] Redman also is ill [[/red underline]] and takes frequent week ends on his farm in Canada. His troubles seem similar to those of Townsend. - Has occasional [[red underline]] Jacksonian convulsions [[/red underline]] 
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
and it looks as if it were also a case of [[red underline]] Artero-sclerosis of the brain [[/red underline]] which means very bad news.
[[left margin in red]] Union Carbide [[/entry in left margin]]
[[red underline]] George came mainly to submit the Union Carbide proposition for a merger with Bakelite Corporation. [[/red underline]] Tells me he had long talk with [[red underline]] Barret, [[/red underline]] who came to see him and says, [[red underline]] U.C. is willing to reopen the subject on the same base as submitted last. [[/red underline]] George B has samples of molded [[red underline]] Vinylite articles [[/red underline]] with him which look good. Also says that [[red underline]] Rossi and Redman are utterly desirous for the merger. [[/red underline]] 
[[left margin in red]]
Dupont [[/entry in left margin]]
So much the more that [[red underline]] Dupont have so antagonized the Varnish and Paint trade that the latter have made a protective association to boycott the goods of Dupont. [[/red underline]] Told George I [[red underline]] am in [[/red underline]] [[black and red underline]] favor [[/black and red underline]] of the merger if [[red underline]] the transaction can be carried out along the lines [[/red underline]]