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cistern near by. Has been abandoned since the 1926 Hurricane. The former existing path has disappeared and is overgrown with bushwood and liana. - Much [[red underline]] Metopium Metopium toxiferum [[/red underline]] (Poison wood). Ardous job. I avoided the [[red underline]] poison wood [[/red underline]] by cutting with a machete any branches on my path 
But [[red underline]] two days later found the beginning blisters and itching on my cheek, arms and legs where the sap had probably spattered thru my [[/red underline]] thin trousers and thin shirt and it took over two weeks notwithstanding [[strikethrough]] tor [[/strikethrough]] alcoholic solution, of boric acid, before the itching pimples disappeared. [[/red underline]] About one we returned to the Bay shore of the Island. Good anchorage there. Clean transparent water many
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sponges and some sponge boats in the neighborhood ^[[All]] Had excellent swim. Very pleasant day. - Everything perfect. Engine since improvements on tanks and strainers works very well.
[[underline]] April 22 [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Dewhurst [[/red underline]] here and calculates [[red underline]] Celine must pay 3299$ more for 1930. [[/red underline]] My Tax returns he says are correct 
Fine day but much letter writing to office & to George and others
[[underline]] April 23. [[/underline]] George writes me our [[red underline]] earnings 1st quarter are about half of same period of 1930. So we have not earned enough to pay our regular common dividends besides the preferred. - [[/red underline]] This will be a salutory lesson to all the others and may make it possible [[strikethrough]] to reduce [[/strikethrough]] or compulsory to [[red underline]] reduce unnecessary expenses [[/red underline]] against which I have frequently protected. I shall put stress