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[[strikethrough]] 148 [[/strikethrough]] 
following [[red underlined]] advice of Simmons and planting "Bitter Sweet" orange on lower garden so as to bud better oranges on it. [[/red underlined]] 
Spent afternoon calculating U.C. proposal. - [[red underlined]] Barrets offer of 270000 shares if calculated at 50$ per share is 13500000 [[/red underlined]] 
At 60 is [[strikethrough]] 1.62 [[/strikethrough]] $16,200,000
At 50 = $380 per share B.C. common
   60 =  451  "    "    "     " 
   55 =  415. or $14,850,000
   30 =  227  or $ 8,100,000.
George says [[red underlined]] neither Rossi nor Redman wants to [[strikethrough]] ma [[/strikethrough]] accept their [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Terms [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] new [[/underlined]] terms.
[[underlined]] May 3. Sunday. [[/underlined]] Beautiful and busy day. Early swim then wrote [[red underlined]] long letter to Redman [[/red underlined]] [[strikethrough]] on the [[/strikethrough]] in answer to his, on the subject of [[red underlined]] the Budget for Research. [[/red underlined]] also one in answer to specific recommendation of Rossi. [[red underlined]] Three long pages written closely in pencil [[/red underlined]] and
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[strikethrough]] 149 [[/strikethrough]]
[[red underlined]] very frank and cordial [[/red underlined]] which I do not want to have typewritten on account of confidential nature and so as not to offend Redman. After my afternoon swim Dr. & Mrs. Fairchild came to drive me to the residence of Mr. Simpson at Little River to see his garden and hammock. [[red underlined]] Simpson [[/red underlined]] was out. But a man called Sawyer, one of his neighbors who settled here in 1892 took us around the jungle. The latter is the [[red underlined]] only remnant of the jungle which was cut out during the [[/red underlined]] 1925 boom to make [[red underlined]] place for common looking [[/red underlined]] frame houses on "plots" and "lots"; thus desecrating one of the best examples of [[strikethrough]] ham [[/strikethrough]] natural hammock now replaced by unfinished side-walks, empty houses and electric light poles. Simpson came here when