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[[underline]] June 8 - [[underline]] [[red underline]] 89° [[/red underline]] but dry {only 30% moisture
Supervised dredging near sea wall by Pearce so as to have enough rock to make higher bend near sea wall as well as a channel where I can put the ION on the beach for any work on the hull.
[[underline]] June 9. [[/underline]] Letters letters! Still no rain.
[[underline]] June 10. [[/underline]] Got ticket for June 12 by East Coast Line. Bought new trunk. ION, left 1:30 P.M to put under shelter at Fogals. Went there with Station Wagon to bring the men back. Evening had [[black and red underline]] call [[/black and red underline]] from [[red underline]] Dr. Cook - the Government Plant-Industries [[/red underline]] man.
[[underline]] June 11 [[/underline]] Very busy day packing for tomorrow
[[underline]] June 12 [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Dr. Cook brought me two Texas Palmettos [[/red underline]] in pots [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] to be planted in my garden. Busy day. Left by 9:20 P.M. train
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[[entry in left margin in red]] 
Pantone [[/entry in left margin]]
pleasant temperature
[[underline]] June 13. [[/underline]] Later warm and dusty
[[underline]] June 14. Sunday [[/underline]] Home feeling very tired from R.R. trip. Everybody well here.
[[underline]] June 15. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Early to office. Sales [[strikethrough]] less than [[/strikethrough]] worse than ever. [[/red underline]] George and everybody well. - Started [[red underline]] immediately conferences with several of our men. [[/red underline]] Specially Swan & Rossi. [[red underline]] Swan says Pantone goes well but it will take till end of year [[/red underline]] before we shall be able to offer process. In mean time, [[red underline]] spending 12000$ average per month.[[/red underline]] Have spent thus far [[red underline]] $180000, [[/red underline]] and Swan is astonished when I say this should be considered an [[black and red underline]] expense [[/black and red underline]] and [[red underline]] not as an asset. - [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] Then how [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] Durez [[/red underline]] has made inroads on our sales [[red underline]] notwithstanding our drastic reductions [[/red underline]] in prices in molding materials because their products have shown some advantages in working by the molders who