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and present situation of B.C.
[[underline]] June 18 [[/underline]] Directors meeting of B.C. A. [[red underline]] Karpen [[/red underline]] had arrived from Chicago. Looks well and cheerful but arm still as lame as before and speech slowened as before 
Long but [[red underline]] interesting meeting all morning. [[/red underline]] Townsend absent thru sickness. Showed them our [[black and red underline]] net profits [[/black and red underline]] which are [[red underline]] misleading because they [[strikethrough]] dre [[/strikethrough]] ^[[do]] not include our losses in investments etc. [[/red underline]] Sanford Brown reported about European Conditions. - Afternoon session from 2 P.M till 5 P.M. I feel very tired. Went to bed 8 P.M
[[underline]] June 19. [[/underline]] Long discussion with Karpen present about danger of [[red underline]] unscrupulous varnish makers utilising our trade- [[/red underline]]
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mark on [[red underline]] inferior varnishes [[/red underline]] in which they [[red underline]] use only a small amount [[/red underline]] of our resins as a decoy to mislead the public. - [[red underline]] Came to the conclusion we should create a special trade-name [[/red underline]] for our cheap inferior resins and have it sold under the name of a special company with special [[strikethrough]] bils [[/strikethrough]] bill heads and letter heads so as to avoid that tricky customers might publish the statement that they use resins from Bakelite Co.
[[entry in left margin]] [[strikethrough]] For 20 (See first the. [[/strikethrough]] For 20-21 - June see next page]] [[/entry in left margin]]
[[underline]] June 22. [[/underline]] Early at office. Long talk with [[red underline]] Allen Brown [[/red underline]] explaining present business situation and financial condition of B.C in relation to advertising trying to persuade him to reduce his budget.
[[red underline]] Hoover's proclamation as [[/red underline]]