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[[red underline]] to his suggested one year general moratorium of all war debts, well received all over the world except in France. [[/red underline]] All stocks on the exchange went up.
[[underline]] [[strikethrough]] June 23 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[June 23.]] [[/underline]] Long talk with Sandford [[red underline]] Brown about Germany and France, [[/red underline]] part of it in presence with A. Karpen. - Told him [[red underline]] was preparing sketch for new contract with Germany regulating our relations with France. - Would submit it for his criticisms or advice
June 21 (overlooked before) [[underline]] Sunday. [[/underline]] At home all day. Explained to Celine present business situation of BC
[[double underline]] June 20. [[/double underline]] Saturday. All alone in office. A. [[red underline]] Karpen [[/red underline]] came to ask me [[red underline]] my opinion [[/red underline]] 
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[[strikethrough]] Dickie, Celine and Brooksie all at Snug Rock since this morning - all happy fine children [[/strikethrough]]
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[[underline]] June 23. [[/underline]] Evg meeting [[red underline]] Inventors Guild at Century [[/red underline]] Club. Robins - Wood - Ellis - Wadsworth and Sprague there
[[/vertical annotation]]
[[red underline]] about selling his preferred [[/red underline]] Bakelite Stock. Says [[red underline]] furniture business has been bad for the last 5 years and now is worse than ever. [[/red underline]] Told him neither I nor the company were in a position to buy it. - He thinks it very good security. Suggested him to borrow money on it and give it as security to his bank. Says this is just what he wants to avoid [[red underline]] Wants to sell it so as to reduce his borrowings, with hope of buying it back later on even at advanced price [[/red underline]] Referred him to Hays for advice on this subject. - Told him [[red underline]] that his suggestion of laying off everyone who was [[/red underline]] not strictly needed and his idea of sudden centralization of all the plants 
[[left margin in red]] Karpen [[/left margin]]