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men, and gave him no encouragement in any hope of taking him in again. At the same time talked in a very friendly way to him, telling that during the present depression it is naturally very difficult for him to find a job and that endless number of men of excellent qualifications are in the same predicament That was happening now would turn out as a blessing in disguise to many young men who had never seen a business crisis and had become to sure of themselves and too extravagant. Beautiful weather Afternoon went to Larchmont Y.C.
[[underline]] July 26 Sunday [[/underline]] Beautiful weather AFternoon went to Larchmont Y.C
[[underline]] July 29. [[/underline]] [[red underline]] Weith contradicted me last week when I told him that addition to laboratory building and equipment had cost thus far [[red underline]] $200.000. [[/red underline]] - Horn reports me today it has cost $214000!
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[[underline]] July 28. [[/underline]] Very hot uncomfortable remained at "Snug Rock. 90˚F here.  94°F in New York. Dick took station wagon to our camp.
[[underline]] July 29. [[/underline]] Again very hot. Went to office
[[underline]] July 30 [[/underline]] Another sultry day! Altho' it was 76˚F this morning at Snug Rock. Humidity made it very uncomfortable no wind. [[red underline]] Horn [[/red underline]] who is leaving on his [[red underline]] vacation reports July worse than any preceding month and that net income is about nil. Since the summer of 1929 our net income has gradually diminished every month since [[/red underline]] then being less than preceding months. We have now reached the point where very probably August will show a loss. Our net income in the past few months came mostly from interest and dividends of invested surplus. This is [[red underline]] worst in our history since we began to pay dividends in 1914. [[/red underline]]