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made during his life of [[strikethrough]] service [[/strikethrough]] work and service. - Very hot. ^[[Dick drove]] George and myself drove back [[strikethrough]] to g [[/strikethrough]] to our houses.
[[underline]] Aug 7 [[/underline]] Very hot again but dry Letter of [[red underline]] Adolph Karpen [[/red underline]] with directions how to reduce expenses which if carried out as he proposes [[red underline]] would simply kill our company [[/red underline]] He wants [[red underline]] to discharge ^[[immediately]] most men and forgets that they are on contract. [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Aug 8 [[/underline]] Remained in Yonkers all day to rest. [[red underline]] Celine arrived [[/red underline]] here this morning [[red underline]] from Adirondacks [[/red underline]] to commemorate the ^[[42d]] [[red underline]] anniversary of our wedding. [[/red underline]] - [[strikethrough]] Hot & sultry [[/strikethrough]]
[[underline]] Aug 9. Sunday [[/underline]] All day much at work preparing program for tomorrow meeting with [[red underline]] Redman who has returned and Wieth. Feel much depressed and tired. [[left margin in red]] X [[/left margin]] Bakelite Corp. situation looks very disquietening. All the men [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] are ready to critisize each others department and collectively they are against the Research group. - I wish I were out of Bakelite [[/red underline]] [[in red]] !!! [[/in red]]
[[underline]] Aug 10. [[/underline]] Celine returns to camp tonight [[red underline]] All day meeting with Redman & Wieth [[/red underline]] getting information about Research and devising a program to be submitted to the others on Wednesday. Called [[red underline]] Dr. Taylor in on afternoon [[/red underline]] to suggest reduction in his personel He readily consented by dropping some recent additions to his staff and will affect a reduction of about 250$ a month.
[[underline]] Aug 11. [[/underline]] I find out that by the time we are installed in [[red underline]] Bound Brook [[/red underline]] it has been calculated that it [[red underline]] will have cost us about 2.600.000$ ! [[/red underline]] This included cost of moving equipment and moving the men from their present residence. - This means it will cost us nearly [[red underline]] 3 millions! [[/red underline]] Usually these estimates are far too low. The [[red underline]] first estimates for a central plant were about 1 million! [[/red underline]] They have kept on increasing