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[[left margin]] A monument to Bakelite or a Tombstone [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Aug 13. [[/underline]]  Left Yonkers [[red underline]] 6:30 [[/red underline]] AM with Dick for [[red underline]] Boundbrook [[/red underline]] by motor so as to see with my own eyes how they have succeeded in spending about 2 1/2 millions on this new plant.
Left the house  6.30 A.M. arrived
                7.10 A.M. at Holland Tunnel
                7.14 A.M. Out of tunnel
Total time consumed from [[red underline]] Snug Rock [[/red underline]] to [[red underline]] factory 1 hr 50 min. [[/red underline]] which is a swift run. The [[red underline]] vast buildings look imposing [[/red underline]] and well constructed and of such a size that I am not astonished the whole thing has cost as much.
[[red underline]] This will either be a monument to Bakelite - or its Tombstone![[/red underline]] The whole thing has been built under the assumption that our sales and earnings were to keep on increasing while since July 1929 they have kept declining every month until this month of July 1931 brought us to the point were our net earnings are nil or where we are in [[red underline]] "red ink" [[/red underline]] even when we
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count in the dividends and interest on invested money and [[red underline]] when we do not [[/red underline]] count [[red underline]] our expenses [[/red underline]] in [[red underline]] Pantone,[[/red underline]] which is one of the [[red underline]] "Birds in the bush".[[/red underline]]
[[left margin]] All the expenses ^[[and plans]] were unanimously approved by Redman, Geo B & Sanford Brown [[/left margin]]
Before I left for Florida [[red underline]] I had an [[/red underline]] earnest [[red underline]] interview with Rossi [[/red underline]] and I urged him [[red underline]] to take in consideration [[/red underline]] the [[red underline]] uncertainties of our situation [[/red underline]] with [[red underline]] increasing competition [[/red underline]] and rapidly dwindling profits and increasing general expenses. Furthermore there is the [[red underline]] possibility of newer processes [[/red underline]] of [[strikethrough]] competing [[/strikethrough]] manufacture arising every day or [[red underline]] other products making Bakelite obsolete [[/red underline]] as well [[red underline]] as its manufacturing processes, [[/red underline]] its uses and its raw materials. Therefore [[red underline]] I recommended him [[/red underline]] to make his plans as [[red underline]] elastic [[/red underline]] as [[red underline]] possible. [[/red underline]] - That our 100 acre plot was entirely unnecessary but that the [[red underline]] largest part [[/red underline]] thereof could be left [[red underline]] untouched [[/red underline]] or available for equipping it for