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[[left margin]] My suggestions for Factory [[/left margin]]
any [[red underline]] unforeseen [[/red underline]] new [[red underline]] departments [[/red underline]] or even [[red underline]] new industries [[/red underline]] in which we might be drawn by future developments. - That the contemplated buildings for Bakelite could be coralled in a part of the plot as [[red underline]] near as possible to our R.R. [[/red underline]] connections so as to avoid [[strikethrough]] losing [[/strikethrough]] cost of long railways and obliteration of too much ground surface [[red underline]] That the buildings could be designed to the full contemplated unit but that they could be constructed in sections in such a way that as fast as circumstances would warrant it the sections could be extended [[/red underline]] to the full unit and in the mean time the section [[red underline]] could be enclosed [[/red underline]] by a [[red underline]] cheap temporary wall which could be removed or changed as fast as circumstances warrant it [[/red underline]]
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[[left margin in red]] [[red underline]] Rossi [[/red underline]] not obeying instructions [[/left margin]]
I told him how we had done the same thing in the Perth Amboy plant and at the [[red underline]] Hooker Electrochemical plant [[/red underline]]  ^[[When]] [[red underline]] I left him I had the full impression that he would act along these lines. Instead he has built up everything [[/red underline]] of the [[red underline]] buildings directly to the full [[/red underline]] contemplated limit and gone into [[red underline]] endless other construction work which could well have been postponed until events showed that they were needed or warranted. - I felt dazed when I went there all these enormous and expensive buildings.[[/red underline]] Oak, [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] Lowe and Thompson accompanied me and I frankly expressed my apprehensions I told them I had no fault to find with the character and honesty of the construction, but it was like counting one's chickens before they were hatched; in presence of the ever possibility, nay probability