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of the earning power of our sales being reduced or obliterated by competition as well as slackened demand. - Told them that as [[red underline]] far as I am concerned I would not be affected by any collapse of my Bakelite interests, in as far as I had enough money invested in other securities to feel entirely independent of Bakelite, [[/red underline]] and to be able to continue in living and providing for my family as well as to day, and have enough to provide them comfortably after my death. [[red underline]] But their case was different every man in the employ of Bakelite as well as the other stockholders would be intensely affected by it and I dreaded a collapse on this account. for them and their families. This moral [[/red underline]]
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[[red underline]] effect to me absolutely outweighs any financial loss because the latter would not diminish my material comforts in life nor those of my family. [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] They [[/strikethrough]] They seemed to be impressed with my reasoning, and promised me to do all they could to prevent any further expenses which could be postponed until later if then they were needed. They calculated [[red underline]] they could postpone about 35000$ [[/red underline]] expenses in this way. Which was [[red underline]] a poor consolation to me.  I imagined I might induce them to postpone [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]] a [[red underline]] few hundred thousand Dollars for a while [[/red underline]] at least and thus [[red underline]] slowen the steady depletion of our liquid ^[[ [[strikethrough]] invested [[/strikethrough]] ]] reserves which [[/red underline]] now [[red underline]] are reduced to about 4 millions in bonds and stocks.[[\red underline]] I felt much depressed about this situation. - [[red underline]] If Bakelite [[/red underline]]