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[[left margin red vertical]] Dr Weston [[/left margin red vertical]]
which have now [[underlined in red]] reached about $10000 [[left margin]] ! [[/left margin]] instead of the original [[underlined in red]] $1000 [[/underlined in red]] Bakelite scholarship at Columbia. - Redman also agrees to halve [[underlined in red]] Morey's salary [[/underlined in red]] Discussed also what to do with [[underlined in red]] Brock [[/underlined in red]] and [[underlined in red]] Mills. [[/underlined in red]] No decision reached. [[underlined in red]] Whole meeting conducted pleasantly [[/underlined in red]] - no friction whatever Redman ^[[& Weith]] well disposed to listen to my suggestions. Redman says will make Morey adopt [[underlined]] immediately [[/underlined]] $5000 a year rate which will save the 4 months notification rate at present salary. 
[[strikethrough]] Later in the da [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Aug 18. [[/underlined]] Hot day at office. [[underlined]] Aug 19. [[/underlined]] Dr. [[underlined in red]] Edward Weston [[/underlined in red]] came to fetch [[underlined in red]] me on his yacht. [[/underlined in red]] at foot of East 26th street at 10 A M It is a very long time since I have met him. He [[underlined in red]] has been an invalid [[/underlined in red]] all the time. He has much changed. Is in steady charge
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of his nurse; his [[underlined in red]] granddaughter [[/underlined in red]] is with [[underlined in red]] him. [[/underlined in red]] It is [[underlined in red]] difficult to keep a conversation with him as he is almost entirely deaf. [[/underlined in red]] But his [[underlined in red]] memory [[/underlined in red]] is [[underlined in red]] very keen [[/underlined in red]] so is his [[underlined in red]] intelligence. A wide-awake soul in a half dead body. [[/underlined in red]] - We talked of old times and old friends. He took me to some place on the Shrewsbury River, whence Dick drove me back to Yonkers, which took about 3 hours. A very hot sultry day!
[[underlined]] Aug. 20. [[/underlined]] At office all day
[[underlined]] Aug 21. [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] Swan [[/underlined in red]] back here for one day from his vacation. Profitted of the occasion of confering with him and George about the [[underlined in red]] Pantone [[/underlined in red]] situation. George wanted postpone formation of Pantone company which according to contract must be formed by Oct 1., and wrote this to [[underlined in red]] Trist [[/underlined in red]] The latter is willing but in exchange [[underlined in red]] desires a loan. [[/underlined in red]] - Told to George