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[[left margin in red]] ? Prosperity ! ? [[/left margin]]
[[red underline]] upon as "chicken feed". [[/red underline]] That in many such instances I had warned them [[red underline]] that my time would [[/red underline]] come to [[red underline]] make them listen, [[/red underline]] when this [[red underline]] boasted "prosperity era" came to an end. [[/red underline]] - That now my time had arrived and that I had already introduced drastic reductions, [[red underline]] but must proceed gradually [[/red underline]] unless I wanted to make [[red underline]] enemies and discontents [[/red underline]] from [[red underline]] those whose friendship I value intensely and whose ^[[full]] good will and cooperation I need. [[/red underline]] That every one of the men at the head of departments could not be replaced at present except at the cost of expensive disorganisation. [[stirkethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] [[red underline]] That this was not a brick yard [[/red underline]] - or a motor [[red underline]] car factory, or a furniture factory [[/red underline]] where one could dismiss
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and hire new men and new employes at short notice. [[red underline]] But a new industry, with entirely new problems, [[/red underline]] where [[red underline]] each specialist needed many years of training and experience, [[/red underline]] etc. etc.
[[left margin in red]] Harry Mills [[/left margin]]
After Karpen was gone wrote a pencil note to Redman that he should break the news to [[red underline]] Mills [[/red underline]] [[strikethrough]] while the l [[/strikethrough]] that he was to receive formal notification that [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] ^[[his]] former [[red underline]] contract [[/red underline]] and [[red underline]] high salary [[/red underline]] for Europe [[red underline]] was to be terminated [[/red underline]] in as far as we knew no place ^[[for him]] here or in Canada where such high would warrant such high pay That the best we could do [[red underline]] would [[/red underline]] be to [[red underline]] try him in Canada [[/red underline]] on some selling or contact work at a lower salary and on the pay roll of the Canadian Co.
Long talk with [[red underline]] Swan [[/red underline]] about