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on my Baltimore lecture. - got it ready in pencil.
[[underline]] Oct 13. [[underline]] Very busy day at office. Evg at U.C
[[underline]] Oct 14. [[/underline]] Rain. Went with Bridges to Coffee-house for lunch.
I made the list of our employes of Bakelite Corporation and U.S. subsidiaries [[red underline]] 744 employes in all [[/red underline] of which [[red underline]] 113 under contract. Annual Pay Roll ^[[1930]] about $1,600,00.00 [[/red underline]] Of which [[strikethrough]] about [[/strikethrough]] more [[strikethrough]] than 11000.000 for [[/strikethrough]] less than 1/3 for the workmen.
[[left margin in red]] Surcouf [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Oct 15. [[/underline]] Mtg Operating Committee. Sanford Brown away. - Discussed first [[red underline]] Surcouf situation. [[/red underline]] Showed them our [[red underline]] absurd position [[/red underline]] then that letter agreement of June 1930. Advocated maintenance of main closes of the tripartite contract of 1929. and [[red underline]] passive resistance towards France so as to avoid dangerous entanglements thru their tricks of Surcouf [[/red underline]] and his lawyers. [[red underline]] Rossi [[/red underline]] thinks he should rewrite our German- American Contract
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of 1926. - [[red underline]] I am opposed to it. [[/red underline]] endless complications and revival of naggins [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] the part of Bakelite Gesellschaft to win favors and and present obligation. George B and Rossi take point of view contrary to mine. - Redman leans more towards my way of thinking We are in [[red underline]] an endless mess which may become worse if we give in to Sachs who works in unison with Surcouf. [[/red underline]]
Then discussion of Redman's proposal that following the decision of the Am. Chemical Mfrs. Association we should propose a [[red underline]] reduction of 10% on salaries and wages. [[/red underline]] - Told him that in as far as the [[strikethrough]] hands had [[/strikethrough]] directors of the Corporation had already accepted a drastic reduction in their compensation, I would wait to propose the 10% reduction to the other employes as long [[red underline]] as our earnings were [[/red underline]]