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[[underline]] Oct 20 [[/underline]]  [[strikethrough]] send Pupin [[/strikethrough]] Directed Horn and Holmgren to hurry up all formalities so that [[underline]] before end [[/underline]] of year [[red underline]] we may write off Italian losses [[/red underline]], and also [[red underline]] allotted possible deductions [[/red underline]] so that we should [[red underline]] not have to pay [[/red underline]] taxes on [[strikethrough]] money [[/strikethrough]] ^[[false net]] earnings or they stand now on our books.
[[underline]] Oct 21 [[/underline]] Busy day at office. - George at home with a cold.
[[underline]] Oct 22. [[/underline]] At 11. AM went to ^[[annual meeting of]] [[red underline]] Industrial conference [[/red underline]] presided by Dr. Alexander Dr Cuno Dr. Von Seiners & [[red underline]] Dr. Thyssen all German Industrialists repeated [[/red underline]] their chorus of dangerous position of [[red underline]] Germany [[/red underline]] is in and how [[red underline]] U.S. [[/red underline]] etc [[red underline]] must help them [[/red underline]] and how ^[[war debt]] reparation etc are impossible etc etc. Very depressing ^[[not a cheerful note.]] At 2:30 P.M. left for Baltimore to deliver lecture tomorrow to the Chemical Graduates of [[red underline]] Johns Hopkins [[/red underline] and their professor. Hotel Belvedere.
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[[left margin in red]] Johns Hopkins [[/left margin]]
[[underline]] Oct 23. [[/underline]] Went to [[red underline]] Home Wood [[/red underline]] where the new buildings of Johns Hopkins stand including the ^[[new]] Chemical Laboratories. Col [[red underline]] Ernest Hesse [[/red underline]] (World Book Co. Yonkers N.Y) President of Columbia Alumni Association there with moving picture men and talking outfit to make a Sound picture of me. [[red underline]] First Dr. Dochine [[/red underline]] posed and spoke introducing me. Then I answered. all this while glaring and hot rays of electric lamps bore towards my face. This was in the morning. The grounds and surroundings of the handsome building with the green of the woods near by make a charming picture. Idea situation for study. ^[[Visited in detail the work going on in the laboratories]] Deliver my lecture [[red underline]] "My mistakes" [[/red underline]] at 4 P.M. Lecture room well filled an excellent audience. [[red underline]] Review of my experience in life [[/red underline]] - Facts remain while theories change but Scientific knowledge keeps on and is a cumulative treasure.