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Nov. 17 - Busy in garden etc
[[underline]] Nov. 18 [[/underline]] Drove to Miami Beach to inspect plants growing in low lands. [[strikethrough]] Palm beach [[/strikethrough]] Roney Plaza Roman pools, & stores all closed. The free beach seems well visited. - Pancoast Hotel open.
[[underline]] Nov. 18 [[/underline]] Planting & cutting outside all day. [[underline]] Nov. 18 [[/underline]] went to buy plants and small tropical fish at    , Afternoon pressed [[red underline]] wine from Tokay grapes. [[/red underline]] then visited. [[red underline]] Matheson Hammock. [[/red underline]] & recreation grounds. Good beginning. Splendid gift for present and future generations Met young man Mr Barnes who showed us around and is superintendent and seems full of his subject.
Nov. 21. Very busy all day in my garden.
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[[underline]] Nov. 22 [[/underline]] (Sunday) Restful day [[strikethrough]] ruro [[/strikethrough]] started [[red underline]] rewriting my Baltimore lecture, [[/red underline]] but feel mentally tired. Excellent Radio Concerts
[[underline]] Nov. 23. [[/underline]] Paid Florida Tax Bills Wired to Sanford Brown my answer to proposal pf [[red underline]] Pension Fund for Weger & Sachs. [[/red underline]] 
Mailed check for Florida State County & City Taxes
[[underline]] Nov. 24. [[/underline]] Received telegram from [[underline]] George [[/underline]] then later a letter that he intends to go to Miami with his neighbor & thence to [[underline]] Nassau [[/underline]] Wired and wrote him back inviting them to stay here at the house which will give them a quieter vacation.
[[strikethrough]] The [[/strikethrough]] One of the Okee trees which I planted in the spring of 1928 has been furnishing liberal quantities of fruit furnishing me some delicious meals