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astonished [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] did not advise her not to do such a foolish thing at this [[strikethrough]] year [[/strikethrough]] period of the year when the waters North of the Tropical region are at their worst ^[[and foggy weather]] and specially after her recent accident on her back bone.
[[underlined]] Dec. 11. [[/underlined]] [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] came back this morning browned and blistered by the Bahaman sun. I want very much a meeting but Rom is still away. Called up Hays. - Interrogated [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] why he again took the responsibility of [[underlined in red]] sudden [[/underlined in red]] decision in the matter [[underlined in red]] of signing a contract for 12000$ yearly fees to a financial firm which will act as [[/underlined in red]] advisor to our investments and how he [[underlined in red]] only consulted Hays and Rossi [[/underlined in red]] before signing, and entirely omitting callig me at the phone for ratification Told him how [[underlined in red]] Sanford Brown critised the way this was done [[/underlined in red]] as not even agreeig first on what ban the [[strikethrough]] evaluations of [[/strikethrough]]
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the stipulated date at which our securities should be evaluated when their conversion is based on the very value of these securities [[strikethrough]] Co [[/strikethrough]] Hays and George seem to be at variance on the date agreed upon [[underlined in red]] George [[/underlined in red]] tells me that he [[underlined in red]] had to act quickly that the market was dropping [[/underlined in red]] rapidly and if he had waited longer our losses would have been greater etc. Also told me confidentially of an incident which pains me considerably.
He tells me [[underlined in red]] Hays has lost all his savings and that about that time he had lost his usual self possession [[/underlined in red]] of mind and [[underlined in red]] acted [[/underlined in red]] in a [[underlined in red]] somewhat dazed [[/underlined in red]] manner as a man who has lost the force of taking a decision That George had proposed 2 firms to be our financial advisers. That both these firms had been declared excellent, nor that it mattered at all to George which of the 2 got our job But it so happened that [[underlined in red]] George Roll [[/underlined in red]] sometime ago had expressed the desire of being allowed to enter the employ of one of the firms, even starting without pay until they had found out his abilities. [[underlined in red]] So George Baekeland had [[/underlined in red]] introduced Geo Roll to the head of the concern and the latter had expressed after an interview with George Roll the intention of trying him. It happened afterward that this was exactly the firm [[underlined in red]] which George B Hays and Rossi decided to [[/underlined in red]] entrust with out work. and George notified them to this effect