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very great [[red underlined]] unexpected happiness after a very tiring [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] day full of [[/red underlined]] serious preoccupations. So I went to [[red underlined]] bed very happy. [[/red underlined]]
[[underlined]] Dec 22. [[/underlined]] Dr. Walter Kongeter came with introduction from Dr. Stauss. Another very busy, tiring disagreeable day. This evening [[red underlined]] Nina [[/red underlined]] here again for supper. [[red underlined]] Explains me her financial preoccupations [[/red underlined]]. The house I gave her, she says, is not mortgaged 
But the [[red underlined]] considerable sum of money I gave her to create a capital to live from is almost all [[/red underlined]] gone and is now held by [[red underlined]] brokers as security for a loan. [[/red underlined]] If prices of [[red underlined]] stock drop further [[/red underlined]] the securities may be sold and everything may be gone. [[red underlined]] I have established a Trust Fund for her children several years ago when George [[/red underlined]]  [[strikethrough]] gave [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Roll]] resigned from Bakelite Service 
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and which amounts to [[red underlined]] $100000 [[/red underlined]] (1000 shares Bakelite Preferred with income of [[red underlined]] $6500. [[/red underlined]]
If interest on our preferred stops which is quite possible I shall have to provide extra income to this amount. [[red underlined]] George Roll lost all his savings in the [[/red underlined]] debacle of 1929 when he had entered into partnership in an Investment Co. since then he has not been able to earn anything. At present [[red underlined]] has a position on trial with a financial concern but no pay. - Told Nina [[/red underlined]] in a friendly way she must [[red underlined]] reduce her budget [[/red underlined]].  
Shall try to do what I can but must first have more details about her securities which have so much depreciated, others ^[[she]] had sold to obtain money. Same muddle and complication as has happened so much. First speculating on margin in 1928-29 cocksure of their abilities in financiering when all stocks

Transcription Notes:
I used 'underlined in red' syntax when I initially transcribed this page. Whoever came afterwards changed to 'red underlined'. Seems a huge waste of time to make these changes. The instructions are not clear, other than using past tense for the word 'underlined'. If I open a page to edit and the transcriber has used 'red underlined' or 'red underline' I don't change, just make changes to correct other issues I might have seen in review.