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Later on [[red underline]] Freeman [[/red underline]] phoned to know whether it would be agreeable if he came back with a Mr. [[red underline]] Westmore [[/red underline]] ^[[Wilcox Jr]] and a Mr. ^[[S.B.]] Derby [[red underline]] of Dillon & Read. [[/red underline]] I told him that I did not know the gentlemen and before giving an answer wanted to see Freeman himself and inqire and then decide. So he came again and give me the necessary information. So we arranged meeting for tomorrow at [[red underline]] Chatham Hotel [[/underline]] room at 4 P.M. 
[[underline]] Dec. 29-1931. [[/underline]] Sold all my [[red underline]] United Trust Stock to establish a loss [[/red underline]] ($8400)! 4.P.M. With George B. met Freeman R.A. Derby and Westmore ^[[Wilcox Jr]] of [[red underline]] Dillon & Read at Chatham Hotel, [[/red underline]] in a private room. - Got acquainted 
They both are of [[red underline]] Dillon & Read. [[/red underline]] Conversation and questions asked were a reflection of those of prior interview with Freeman. - Westmore stated that the matter had
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been talked about with [[red underline]] Mr. Swope President of G.E. [[/red underline]] and others of that Company.
I repeated my question as to compensation for services to [[red underline]] Dillon & Read [[/red underline]] He said we would have to bear it. 
Told him that I thought, such expenses ought to be born equitably by both parties - but further discussion was temporarily abandoned. They say they wanted to bring me together with [[red underline]] Mr. Dillon [[/red underline]] who is away. 
[[underline]] Dec 30. [[/underline]] Wrote Andrew my arrival in Florida postponed and that he should try to reduce expenses and if possible put the men at 5 days a week. Told [[red underline]] Swan and Rossi [[/red underline]] about situation with [[strikethrough]] Rossi. - Sw [[/strikethrough]]
^[[red underline]] [[SB]] [[/red underline]] - 
The latter leaned over to the question of added compensation. Showed him why at present we must make cuts.
[[underline]] Dec 31 [[/underline]] At office this morning. Then to Yonkers. Celine [[strikethrough]] not snowing [[/strikethrough]] ^[[thinking]] I would be in Florida at this time had arranged a card party for children