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and showing their absurd claims while claiming exaggerated credit for [[red underline]] Halowax. [[/red underline]] Redman permits me to send copy of this letter to Karpen.
[[red underline]] Mauritho [[/red underline]] wrote me a long letter in answer of my announcement of a possible reduction of 10% in salaries; [[red underline]] this letter was very probably arranged by Sanford Brown so as to puff himself and Halowax [[/red underline]] I sent a copy of my answer to A. Karpen. The latter [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] sides entirely with my standpoint and wrote me so. Swan and his sales Committee, submits for my approval the permission to be able to quote as low as 15 cents a pound (minimum) for molding materials so as to ofset this lower quotation now made by our competitors 
See my long letter in which
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I gave my approval under certain stipulations. - and copy thereof was sent to Karpen. Swan [[strikethrough]] pa [[/strikethrough]] et all figure that if we sell same amount in lb as in 1931 our [[red and black underline]] loss [[/red and black underline]] in [[red underline]] molding [[/red underline]] will be [[underline]] $150000 [[/underline]] for 1932
[[underline]] [[strikethrough]] Jan 9 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Jan 9.]] [[/underline]] I calculate that if our sales in molding materials for 1932 are twice what they were for the [[underline]] latter [[/underline]] 6 months of 1931 [[red underline]] our loss [[/red underline]] (at 15 cents) will [[red underline]] be $210000 [[/red underline]] but I am ready to shoulder it if A. Karpen is willing for his part.
Long confidential talk with [[red underline]] Lowe [[/red underline]] on present situation and [[red underline]] intrigues of Sanford Brown [[/red underline]] He has no use for the latter and tells me that [[red underline]] if S.B. acquires the upperhand in our Corporation he and many will leave [[/red underline]]
[[underline]] Jan 10 Sunday. [[/underline]] Very very busy Sunday writing and figuring from early morning till late.

Transcription Notes:
Copied from instructions as follows: 'Please write strikethrough or underlined, when appropriate, in double brackets before and after the word or phrase that has been struck out or underlined. Like this: I really [[strikethrough]] hate [[/strikethrough]] don?t like the smell of rotten eggs.'