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[[underline]] Jan 11 [[/underline]] copies of all recent letters [[strikethrough]] sent [[/strikethrough]] ^[[mail]] to A.K. involving much typewriting at office
[[underline]] Jan 12. [[/underline]] Made list for immediate action of Op. Committee on urgent matters.
Mr. Kern came here and showed me how to use his method for making casts of hands faces and animals. I told him in presence of Blunt, how I intended to try his material in a process I had devised for making rapid Bakelite molds Gave Rossi a copy of my letter answering Sanford Browns criticisms
[[underline]] Jan 13. [[/underline]] Took room at University Club for to nights annual dinner of the [[red underline]] Older Graduates of Columbia [[/red underline]] All day at office. George B notifies me [[red underline]] Dillon [[/red underline]] will meet us tomorrow morning at 9:30 ^[[AM]] with a [[red underline]] representative of General Electric [[/red underline]] There were about 90 members
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present at the dinner. I had sent [[red underline]] 4 gallons of my 1931 Concord wine - Otto P. Armand [[/red underline]] had sent [[red underline]] 3 gals of his own [[/red underline]] sweetish wine, also Kummel. So the diners had their choice but showed decided preference for my product.
[[strikethrough]] In I [[/strikethrough]] During the dinner [[red underline]] Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler [[/red underline]] came to address us and made one of his excellent speeches.
[[underline]] Jan 14. [[/underline]] Met at [[red underline]] Dillon's house [[/red underline]] 9:30 AM 124 East 80 st. Dillon, his son, Derby and [[red underline]] George B also Mr. Evoleth [[/red underline]] of General Electric present. The latter is of technical department and knows [[strikethrough]] with [[/strikethrough]] my friends there. His was [[red underline]] born in Burma [[/red underline]] from an English Missionary father. Pleasant gentleman. He stated that he had been delegated from the heads of General Electric to make a preliminary