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[[left margin in red]] Pupin [[/left margin]]
table. H. is an old friend of Pupin and was the architect who built his place in Norfolk (Connecticut). Told several amusing stories about [[underline in red]] Pupin [[/underline in red]] in his presence:
1/ When Pupin was building his house he followed his usual nonchalant careless attitude in not opening or answering letters ^[[specially]] under the suspicion that they were bills. One carpenter who in vain had sent bills and suspected that he did not open the envelope had the [[underline in red]] bright idea of putting his bill in a pretty pink envelope [[/underline in red]] and had it nicely perfumed. Pupin opened the pink envelope at once, found the bill, laughed at the trick and paid the bill [[strikethrough]] promptly [[/strikethrough]] without further delay.
2/ Hornbortel who has opportunity of becoming acquainted with President [[underline in red]] Coolidge [[/underline in red]] who
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everybody imagines has no sense of humor.- is on the contrary full of wit and humor. His college class mates say that he was the wit of his class.  Mrs. Coolidge also is full of humor and wit.  [[underline in red]] Hornbortle [[/underline in red]] was at a meeting where both [[strikethrough]] Mr. H [[/strikethrough]] the Hoovers and Coolidges were present. Hoover had an old worn unpressed suit and Mrs. Hoover also had very plain clothes, While Coolidge came out spick and span to the last detail and Mrs. Coolidge equally well dressed made a contrast to the Hoovers.
3/ I told that one of my friends who studied with [[underline in red]] Pupin in Berlin [[/underline in red]] told me that the then [[underline in red]] young and  handsome Pupin [[/underline in red]] was lionised in the American colony.- To which Pupin told the following story.- Amongst the many pretty American