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[[underlined]] Feb. 5 [[/underlined]] George wires that all of Op. Com. (not including Sanford Brown) had been confidentially consulted and advise to let matters rest.
Visit from Mr. Hamman & his wife at noon. This is their first visit to Florida
Feb. 6. [[underlined]] Feb 7 [[/underlined]] (Sunday) Admirable quiet day. Nobody here and Murray and his wife away. So could attend to work undisturbed and meditate. Marvelous succession of good radio music almost every hour of the day. - This is heaven to day!
[[underlined]] Feb 8. [[/underlined]] George wired me [[underlined in red]] that General Electric Co decided they had no interest in coming nearer to Bakelite [[/underlined in red]] Afternoon went to renew my Yacht License. Evening a short visit to [[underlined in red]] Fred. [[Norris?]] [[/underlined in red]]. He is leaving Wednesday to shut up one of his plants
[[underlined]] Feb 9. [[/underlined]] This morning heavy smoke from fire in the Everglades and
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61/ light Easterly wind. Wrote letter to George for Op. Com. answering [[red underlined]] suggestions of Rossi for concentrating offices in Bound Brook [[/underlined in red]]. Showed Rossi limits of practicality altho' am in favor of concentrating as much of the N.Y office & Bloomfield offices in Bound Brook. - But [[underlined in red]] must be done [[underlined]] without [[/underlined]] spending 25000$ as he [[strikethrough]] suggests [[/strikethrough]] recommends [[/underlined in red]] for additional building at Bound Brook. - Told him he must crowd them in present [[strikethrough]] Bloomfield [[/strikethrough]] Bound Brook offices or find room in spare storage buildings. - [[underlined in red]] No further cash outlays when our business is getting daily worse and [[/underlined in red]] losing money and our liquid reserves are melting away.
[[underlined]] Feb 10. [[/underlined]] A conciliatory private letter from Redman concerning S. B. - Thinks he means well and is faithful. - I am not convinced. - George B. wrote that [[underlined in red]] Dillon suggests  picking up again the Union Carbide & Carbon [[/underlined in red]] nego-